Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Here We Go Again

Here I go again. Those durn fairies are at it again!  I worked so hard to color this bird for a challenge, and somehow the bird flew away.  I know it's the fairies playing their little tricks on me, but I was really making progress and went for my bird to apply it, and it just disappeared. I told the fairies I was tired, sang to them and told them "I give" but it didn't do the trick this time. I searched everywhere I thought possible, so I told them I will be back tomorrow, I sure don't want to have to redo the bird.  Hopefully if the fairies return her tonight I will have a new challenge in tomorrow.  Hugs...Patti


  1. 11:30 my DH came home from work and we SEARCHED and Searched for my bird. We went through the trash, in, under and between things, NO bird. Durn lil fairies are working overtime on me today :(

  2. Wellll, at 1 AM we went on the search again, and to our surprise, I raised up my cuttlebug, I had already looked underneath once, but this time was different, when I raised it there was my bird! She had adhered herself to the SIDE because I had put glue dots on her...Oh me oh my...What a day...LOL Hugs Patti
